We get asked a lot if we use Essential Oils because of their natural origin. We use both. The majority are synthetic Fragrance oils but we also use premium essential oils.

All of our ingredients are not only on our products on the “CLP” label but also under every product on the website. If you stumble across a company that doesn’t put their ingredients on the website, ask yourself why? It’s now law. If you buy from a website, THAT point, is the point of sale and required.

Before we decide which is ‘better’, let us look at the International Regulatory body that has the trusted authority on fragrance regulation and its use for us ‘humans’.

The IFRA or The International Fragrance Association Standards – form the basis for the globally accepted and recognized risk management system for the safe use of fragrance ingredients and are part of the IFRA Code of Practice. This is the self-regulating system of the industry, based on risk assessments carried out by an independent Expert Panel.

You must always be careful when using essential oils as some are toxic.

The following oils are on their (IFRA)  list of BANNED oils for their properties, toxicity, sensitizing effect etc.

Cade oil crudeCarcinogenic
Calamus oilCarcinogenic
Costus rootSensitizer
Elecampane oilSensitizer
Fig leaf absoluteSensitizer
Horseradish oilToxic and irritant
Mustard oilToxic and irritant
Peru balsamSensitizer (distilled oil is allowed)
Savin oilToxic and sensitizer although Juniper phoenicea oil is allowed
Verbena oilSensitizer
Tea absoluteSensitizer
Sassafras oilCarcinogenic
Stryax gumSensitizer
Wormwood oilNeurotoxin